Avviso di Seminario: giovedì 26 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 - aula Rossa

Avviso di Seminario: giovedì 26 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 - aula Rossa

Quando: May 26th 2022 - in the contest of Bioinformatics CourseDove: Aula Rossa - Edificio "Renato Ricamo" (Coppito 1)SPEAKER: Fabrizio Morando - CSAM Application Development - Microsoft ROMATitolo: Write your first Quantum algorithm in Q#Abstract:Quantum computing is a type of computation that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states (such as superposition, interference, and entanglement) to perform calculations. These kind of computers exploit the phenomena of quantum mechanics to deliver a huge leap forward in computation to solve a certain plethora of problems.In this session, we will introduce the Qbit concept and the quantum logic gates, which represent crucial elements used by developers in the implementation of quantum algorithms.Finally, we will deliver a demo about the simplest problem where a quantum computer beats a classical computer: the Deutsch-Jotzsa algorithm. The demo includes an implementation in Microsoft Q# language, while leveraging Azure Quantum resource for the simulation part.