Professore Associato

Laura Tarantino

Human-computer interaction, Information systems, Virtual reality, Gender issues
11 Ingegneria Informatica
ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
Information Engineering


Gender Issues

Laura Tarantino is very active in issues related to Gender & Technology and Women & STEM with the firm stand that the empowerment of girls and women has to rely non only on the access to technology on the utilizer side, but also – and maybe above all – on the inclusion of women on the producer side, and that achieving such objective demands engagement and explicit actions from stakeholders at different levels, including the educational and the scientific levels.

In particular, she is the DISIM Equal Opportunity Representative and the co-coordinator of Pinkamp, the DISIM summer camp on Computer Science, Information Engineering and Mathematics for high school girls, to bring them closer to ICT topics and to contribute to reduce the gender gap in such topics. 

Institutional appointments

(2021 – today) Equal Opportunity Representative for the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila

(2019 – today) Co-coordinator of Pinkamp, a summer camp on Computer Science, Information Engineering and Mathematics for high school girls, to bring them closer to STEM topics in order to reduce the gender gap in such topics.


(2022 - today) EUGAIN - COST ACTION CA19122 - European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics - Working Group 1: From School to University

(2022 - today) – PNRR M4/C2/L 3.1.1 Project – Research Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics - Objectives Support high level training initiative (O5.3), Promoting diversity and inclusion (O5.5.1), Cultivating new generation of data scientists (O5.4)


  • A. Di Marco, L. Tarantino (2022). Pinkbook 2022 - Le ragazze contano!, Arkhè Edizioni, L’Aquila, Italy, 2022.
  • L. Tarantino, A. Di Marco (2021). Gender equality: the need for explicit address and actions in ICT and STS agendas. In Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS’21), 11-12 October 2021. pdf
  • A. Di Marco, L. Tarantino (2021). Pinkbook 2021 - Le ragazze contano!, Arkhè Edizioni, L’Aquila, Italy, 2021.
  • D. Cassioli, A. Di Marco, T. Di Mascio, L. Tarantino, P. Inverardi (2020). Is Really IoT Technology Gender Neutral?. In Proc. in IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 IoT,2020, Roma, Italy. pp.324-328.
  • A. Di Marco, L. Tarantino (2020), Pinkbook 2020 - Le ragazze contano!, Arkhè Edizioni, L’Aquila, Italy, 2020.
  • A. Di Marco, L.Tarantino (2020). PinKamP: a novel educational format for the recruitment of high school girls in STEM subjects. In Proc. of EDULEARN2020, 2020.
  • A. Di Marco, L. Tarantino (2019). PinKamP: Recruitment in STEM subjects begins with high school girlsIn Proc. of Intl Conference on Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities, Naples, 16-17 September 2019.
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