Professore Associato

Laura Tarantino

Human-computer interaction, Information systems, Virtual reality, Gender issues
11 Ingegneria Informatica
ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
Information Engineering



Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems, Information Visualization, Technology Enhanced Learning, E-Health, Disaster Management Systems, Children-oriented Design, Cognitive Disabilities, Multidisciplinarity, Gender Issues, Autism Spectrum Disorder

Her primary research activity is in Human-Computer Interaction with particular interest for Database Systems and Information Systems, both from the theoretical, the methodological and the application points of view. Results of her work were published in over 100 scientific papers in international and national journals, books and conference proceedings. 

As to theoretical aspects, she has worked on the definition of information visualization formalisms, on the formalization of interaction paradigms bridging the gap between the underlying formal data model and the visual model, on ambient and peripheral systems, on object-oriented databases focusing on the definition of (graphical and non-graphical) query languages based on the integration between the logic programming paradigm and the object-oriented paradigm, and on formal aspects of the interaction with Geographic Database Systems and Multimedia Database Systems.

As to the application point of view, she is interested in the social impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), focusing in particular on fragile and vulnerable popolation groups, such as children with cognitive disabilities (EU FP7 TERENCE project), elderly people (EU AAL HOPES project and pilot studies), victims of natural disasters (EagleVox and Emepolis projects, and pilot studies). Within these research lines, results of her work have been applied to Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) systems, Health-care Systems, and Disaster Management Systems, focusing, among others, on issues due to the fact that these new kinds of products and new types of users translate into new challenges for designers and researchers who can rely on a less heavy and often less structured body of knowledge, with reference to both practice and literature regarding design solutions and the design process itself.

As to the methodology point of view, her design and research activities in these areas has been founded on (both existing and novel) approaches that simultaneously assist in practical problem solving and expand scientific knowledge by generating and testing theories (e.g., action research), so to guarantee both relevance and rigor to the project at hand. 

Main projects 

Progetto AGID-MUR – Applicazioni innovative di Realtà Virtuale e Aumentata per persone con una condizione dello spettro autistico – CIG 7151860D90 – PNRR M4/C2/L 3.1.1 Project – Research Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics 

TERENCE –  EU Project, FP7-ICT-2009-5 – An adaptative learning system for reasoning about stories with poor comprehenders and their educators

HOPES –  EU Project, AAL  – Help and social interaction for elderly on a multimedia platform with e-social best practices

SPADA, MIUR Project  – Rappresentazione ed elaborazione di dati spaziali nei sistemi informativi territoriali

MAGICA –  EU Project, IE 173  – Multimedia Agent Based Interactive Catalogues (feasibility study)

MILORD –  EU Project, AIM, n. 2024  – Multimedia Interaction with Large Object-oriented Radiological and clinical Databases 

KIWIS –  EU Project, ESPRIT n. 2424 –  Advanced Knowledge-based Environments for Large Database Systems

KIWI – EU Project,  ESPRIT n. 1117 – Knowledge-based User-friendly Interfaces for the Utilization of Information bases 


2019 - Best application paper of the 2019 International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (Mis4tel 2019): T. Di Mascio, L. Tarantino, G. De Gasperis, M.C. Pino, "Immersive virtual environments for ASD treatment: a usability comparison of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality headsets" 

2011 - Best conference paper of the International Conference “itAIS 2011 - Information Systems: a crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering “, Rome, Italy, October 7-8 2011:  A. Melonio, L. Tarantino, and T. Di Mascio, “Towards ICT support for elderly displaced people: looking for natural gestures”

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